Friday, July 6, 2012

Student Associations

It was a bit about associations of universities ... Today a little about colleges and student associations.

What is a college ...?
College - the term related to various forms of higher education in English speaking countries, especially in England and USA, as well as in other Western European countries. Originally meant a place where university students live. Colleges also conducted their courses, especially in the initial system. This was the so-called collegiate system, which is derived from France. Today the college in the above sense operates in England.

EUCA logo
One of these associations is EUEA
EUCA is European Universitys Colleges Association. Formally founded in 2008, represents more than 30 000 students who live in 194 university dormitories, in five different countries (Belgium, Italy, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom). It is based in Brussels.
The main purpose of the organization is professional, scientific, cultural and personal development of students, formed without discrimination and with an individual approach to each person.

Below page EUCA in several different languages:

There is no SINGLE consistent student organization in Europe or the world. But exist unions affiliating Student Association. One of such union is ESU - European Student's Union.
ESU logo

The European Students' Union (ESU) is the umbrella organisation of 45 National Unions of Students (NUS) from 38 countries (March 2012). The NUSes are open to all students in their respective country regardless of political persuasion, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, sexual orientation or social standing. Our members are also student-run, autonomous, representative and operate according to democratic principles.
The aim of ESU is to represent and promote the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at the European level towards all relevant bodies and in particular the European Union, Bologna Follow Up Group, Council of Europe and UNESCO. Through its members, ESU represents over 11 million students in Europe.

Official ESU's page:

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