Monday, July 9, 2012

Something important... EU 2020 Strategy

Continuing the topic of cooperation and the EU's influence on higher educationcan not forget about very important project of the European Commission which is the EU 2020.

What is the strategy for 2020?

EU 2020 is a new, long-term socio-economic program of the European Union (EU). Three overriding priorities of the EU's new strategy are:

-> Smart growth (development of an economy based on knowledge and innovation);
-> Sustainable development (the promotion of a sustainable economy - effectively using the resources -> more greenand also competitive);
-> Inclusive growth (strengthening economy characterized by high employment and economic, social and territorial).

One of the goals outlined in the EU's new strategy is to achieve a rate of 3% of spending on research and development (the overall level of public and private investment in R & D). At the same time, there is work on an indicator that reflects the intensity of R & D and innovation.

If at any document talks about R & D, knowledge and innovation is becoming an integral part of universities.

One of the main objectives is to reduce the number of early school leavers to 10% from the current 15% and increase the proportion of people aged 30-34 with higher education from 31% to at least 40%.
He has to lead to such programs, one of the flagship strategy - "Youth in the way."
Leading EU's project "Youth on the move" aims to improve the performance of education systems and improve the attractiveness of European higher education internationally.

More about "Youth on the move" project later ^^

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