The collaboration between Stanford, St Andrews and Heriot Watt was announced during Mr Salmond’s trip to the states. He added that Scotland had some of the world’s “best scientific minds” and its university sector was world class.
The Heriot Watt and St Andrews teams will work with research groups at Stanford to examine how stem cells grow and divide and how they change shape to form different types of tissue Stanford University is already collaborating with six Scottish universities on the SU2P project which has focused on the fields of life sciences and renewable energy.
St Andrews University |
Stanford University |
Heriot Watt University |
Mr Salmond said: “This research has the potential to lead to incredible medical breakthroughs that could not only give new hope to millions but contribute enormously to the economies of both Scotland and California.”
He added: “Translating advances in the life sciences into medical practice and transforming cutting-edge technologies into ground-breaking diagnostic tools have been major focuses of stem cell research and applied physics activities at Stanford.
Who is offering what?
- Heriot Watt University – Expertise in microfluidics
- St Andrews University – Microscopic laser surgery of single cells and image analysis computer software
- Stanford University – Expertise in stem cell science, regenerative medicine, and optical instrumentation design
source: BBC News
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